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Diamonds on the floor - French touch podle Alcover



Often seen much more as a useful object than a full piece of design, a carpet however may be a real ray of sunshine, an atmosphere maker and a beauty enhancer just as a jewel would be. That is what I wanted to illustrate in my design. And what could be better than diamonds to show that a carpet is definitely a “jewel” for the floor? So here are my 10 designs based on the “Diamonds on the floor” concept. Theses ones are entitled “French” (X4). The first three could be used as a triptych.

Informace Alcover

Creating, bringing a project which at the outset is actually only a field of possibilities to life, making things more beautiful or meaningful, it’s like to some extent putting a little magic to the world… I do love!

Often seen much more as a useful object than a full piece of design, a carpet however may be a real ray of sunshine, an atmosphere maker and a beauty enhancer just as a jewel would be. That is what I wanted to illustrate in my design. And what could be better than diamonds to show that a carpet is definitely a “jewel” for the floor? So here are my designs based on the “Diamonds on the floor” concept.


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