Designérská soutěž Rugvista!


Lysekrone podle Karli Iseman

Spojené státy americké

Spojené státy americké

The inspiration behind this rug design was antique crystal chandeliers. I wanted to incorporate the beautiful way that chandeliers elegantly dangle. I love bright, eccentric color pallets like the different versions of this rug design because its an unexpected pop of color. The offset geometric shapes give a fun modern feeling. Collectively, the bright color schemes, antique origin and the randomly placed geometric shapes create a fun, unique mix of old and new.

Informace Karli Iseman

Karli Iseman is an interior design student at Washington State University. Her hobbies include bringing new life to old furniture, painting and drawing, thrifting and rearranging her furniture weekly. She got her eye for innovation, art and design from her grandparents. Her dream is to one day own her own design firm where she can help create spaces that people can truly enjoy and relax.

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