Designérská soutěž Rugvista!


Face podle Fredrik Bjurhager



Informace Fredrik Bjurhager

Fredrik Bjurhager is a 25 year old 3D Artist who was born in Västerås, Sweden. He started as a photographer, but quickly went over to 3D because he had the penchant for creativity. During the past 6 years he has worked as a 3D Artist in the advertising industry with a focus on television advertising/product focus. The future looks bright and he hopes to continue in the 3D industry for many years to come.
Fredrik Bjurhager is a 25 year old 3D Artist who was born in Västerås, Sweden. He started as a photographer, but quickly went over to 3D because he had the penchant for creativity. During the past 6 years he has worked as a 3D Artist in the advertising industry with a focus on television advertising/product focus. The future looks bright and he hopes to continue in the 3D industry for many years to come.

Koberce jsou k dispozici v následujících barvách:

Získejte 15% slevu

Zaregistrujte se nyní a získejte 15% slevu na další objednávku*, týdenní e-maily s exkluzivním přístupem k nabídkám, nejnovějším trendům a produktovým novinkám.

Informace o tom, jak nakládáme s vašimi údaji, najdete v našich zásadách dodržování soukromí. Z odběru se můžete kdykoli odhlásit. *Slevu lze využít na jeden nákup během 60 dnů od přihlášení k odběru newsletteru. Platí pro všechny produkty, včetně zlevněného zboží. Nelze jej kombinovat s jinými slevovými kódy.