Children's carpets

A carpet can completely transform a room giving it warmth and making it more visually appealing.

Select a carpet for the right purpose

Carpets selected for children should be durable and since they are intended to be used for a long period of time, they should also be able to fit in a child's room as they grow older. Since children spend most of the time playing on the floor, the carpet should be comfortable and soft to the touch. Carpets with very thick and spaced piles in a child's room can be cumbersome as their toys or other objects can get caught in the carpet. Shorter piled carpets are much more convenient, because they are easier to vacuum and maintain.
To avoid any unnecessary accidents it's vital to ensure that your carpet stays in place and this can done by using an underlay such as the anti-slip padding. The padding also extends the life of your carpet and is useful for reducing sound. As an added bonus, the underlay will add a level of comfort which will make it softer for your child to walk, crawl or lie on the carpet.

Fun, Play and Colour

Through play, children learn about themselves, others and their environment. Carpets can therefore be used to help a child explore their surroundings and environment. For children's rooms or play areas you can choose from carpets with basic primary colours, and clear lines and forms. The carpets from our designer carpet collection contain some carpets with varied forms and colours.
Since children also like to look at different shapes and forms, very bright and vivid colours with playful patterns go well in children's rooms. Just bear in mind that a carpet should complement a room and should not overpower the other items in a room.

A few practical tips to help your child choose a carpet

Do not hesitate to let your child choose their own carpets. I performed a little experiment with my 3 and half year old daughter. I began by selecting carpets from our collection, which I thought would be suitable for a child's room. After doing this I then showed the same carpets to my daughter and asked her which ones she liked. Surprisingly, she did not like nearly half the ones I selected, but she did choose from carpets with bold bright colours and went more for the ones with monochromatic simple designs. Carpets with round shapes and squares were also a favorite.

Picture 3. Gabbeh Indo

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