A touch of Romance

Are you more at home with an old-fashioned style with soft tones and romantic patterns?

The romantic decor is truly a timeless style which continuously finds new followers and admirers of all ages and walks of life. 

Elements of floral patterns in bright pastel colors create a cozy atmosphere with a serene and romantic feel. Textiles provide a lovely ambience and to add a contrasting, yet complimentary effect to the romantic interior, try a using raw materials such as stone, wood, metals or concrete for both or either the accessories and furniture. 

A bright pastel colored carpet with a floral pattern can really bring the whole piece together. If you are more into oriental designs you should look at carpets such as a Keshan or Tabriz, whereas if modern is more your style then a beautiful Colored Vintage or Patchwork are a great option. 

Complete your romantic decor with some old fashioned furniture in light colors and check out your local antique shop for a unique piece that will add the final touch.

A. Cole & Son Floral tapestry , Collection of Flowers
B. Colored Vintage carpet
C. Vas ArtGlassVista, by Mikael Kenlind
D. Painted dresser, second hand at auction 
E. Tabriz carpet


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